داستان آبیدیک

محرومیت از حقوق مدنی


1 Law:: civil death : 1. Archaic. At common law, the loss of rights – such as the right to vote, to make contracts, to inherit, and to sue – by a person who has been outlawed or convicted of a serious crime, or who is considered to have left the temporal world for the spiritual by entering a monastery. 2. In some states, the loss of rights – such as the right to vote and to hold public office – by a person serving a life sentence. Cf. civil disability 3. the state of a corporation that has formally dissolved or become bankrupt, leaving an estate to be administered for the benefit of shareholders and creditors. – Also termed legal death. BLD, Pocket Edition ● infamy : Condition of being infamous. A qualification of a man’s legal status produced by his conviction of an infamous crime and the consequent loss of honor and credit, which, at common law, rendered him incompetent as a witness, and by statute in some jurisdictions entails other disabilities. HCB – See also civil death above. ● attainder : at common law, the act of extinguishing a person’s civil rights when sentenced to death or declared an outlaw for committing a felony or treason. – attaint (vt) (an act of parliament passed for … rendering a person liable to the consequence of attainder( ● deprivation of civil rights

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